How to update Come Crearsi Un Lavoro when new Events and Courses are coming up

In this we’ll go thru all the steps that need to be performed when launching a new Live Training of Come Crearsi Un Lavoro da Zero

The Completion Level of Your Training.


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In this Execution Plan i am going to illustrate all the necessary Steps that need to be performed each time a New Come Crearsi Un Lavoro da 0 Course is being launched.

At this moment we launch 3 Courses a Year, each Course has a two Weekend durantion in total 4 Full Days.

Each time this happens the Website needs to be updated + the Email Autoresponder Sequence for each Event.

In this Execution Plan we’ll go thru each single Element and i will explain how to update each one of them.

Each Course is preceded by a Series of Live Conferences, Free Presentations, Webinars and Online Presentations.

For each one a series of Pages on the Site needs to be updated and i will show you step by step how to do this.

How to Update the Website part 1


The following pages/URL needs to be updated each time:

Prossimi Eventi

At the end of a Free Event Tour it is possible that i deactivate all Free Events Listings. You can then simply reactivate it by clicking on the Content Template named: Prossimi Eventi Page Template

Check here:

The Elements underlined in red need to be updated check here:

You get the Dates from this basecamp text document here:

Next Page that needs to be updated is this one here:

Richiedi Informazioni

You need to update the Elements underlined in red:

You also get the info to update this here:

You then need to proceed each Free Events Page:

Update the Elements underlined in red check here:

This counts for each Free Event Page, you’ll get a list of each Event Page here:

The following pages/URL needs to be updated each time:

Prossimi Eventi

At the end of a Free Event Tour it is possible that i deactivate all Free Events Listings. You can then simply reactivate it by clicking on the Content Template named: Prossimi Eventi Page Template

Check here:

The Elements underlined in red need to be updated check here:

You get the Dates from this basecamp text document here:

Next Page that needs to be updated is this one here:

Richiedi Informazioni

You need to update the Elements underlined in red:

You also get the info to update this here:

You then need to proceed each Free Events Page:

Update the Elements underlined in red check here:

This counts for each Free Event Page, you get all the links to the Free Events Pages here:

You also need to update this Page here:

The Elements you need to update on this Page is the following underlined in red:

These are the 4 days 2 Weekends Course Event.

You also need to update the following Page:

The Elements that you need to update are underlined in red:

You also need to update this copy of the same page here:

Same Elements need to be updated again.


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